Home Electronics & Tech WiTaxi and Netstar give taxi commuters free internet

WiTaxi and Netstar give taxi commuters free internet


The vehicle tracking company Netstar, in partnership with Vodacom Business, is giving taxi commuters internet connectivity through a free in-taxi service, WiTaxi.

Passengers can now access free Wi-Fi of up to 1GB per day from their smartphones when using Toyota minibus taxis equipped with Netstar trackers. These telematics devices installed in Toyota minibuses double up as Wi-Fi routers.

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“South Africa’s taxi industry is responsible for more than 60 percent of daily commutes, making it an integral part of the country’s transport sector and a significant economic player,” says Netstar Group Managing Director Grant Fraser. “We are truly excited about this partnership with WiTaxi and Vodacom, and believe the connected commute will be a game changer for taxi passengers, drivers and even operators.”

In exchange for free high-speed Wi-Fi, commuters must watch short, 15-second adverts. Commuters can stream TV shows, browse social media, and stay up to date with what’s happening at work. The service also addresses safety concerns for taxi owners, drivers, and commuters, as connectivity can help to warn drivers and passengers of hazards ahead.

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